Why a Yoga Retreat?

Retreats offer a great opportunity to experience the benefits of yoga in a new, exotic and beautiful environment, while also taking advantage of the deep relaxation you can find on a vacation (tropical or local).

Being surrounded by supportive people will help you to develop new fulfilling friendships and find new tribe to travel and explore the world/your home environment with.

A break in routine can offer clarity, giving you the courage to make changes or reinforce you to stay on your chosen path.

Yoga Retreats can help you learn about yourself and discover new insights. The growth that happens at the retreats can be invisible to an eye but can be very profound and meaningful.

We offer several yoga retreats a year in the US and other countries.

Retreats 2024:

Winter Love Jan 19-21 (near Harpers Ferry, WV)

Pura Vida Costa Rica Feb 10-17

Summer Light Aug 2-4 (near Harpers Ferry, WV)